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Dating on Higher Ground: 

How to Align with the Divine to Call in Lasting Love

8-Week Online Course

With Vickie Falcone, M.A. | Soul-Centered Relationship Coach



Join a sacred sisterhood in this 8-week journey of transformation

Attract your soulmate by releasing hidden blocks that have kept you from experiencing the love you deserve.

You understand that in order to make changes, you need to go deeper…to dive into those unknown, unhealed places that are holding you back…to make a transformational shift. Because what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working.

And you know you need help.

I will show you how to enter into a state of deep TRUST and surrender. I’ll help you uncover and heal your unconscious blocks to love. I’ll show you how to partner with the Divine in a way that frees you from your past, and ushers in an exquisite love.

And as you shift into the truth of who you are (desirable, worthy and lovable), you will naturally and effortlessly attract a partner who mirrors that back to you.

Here’s what I know to be true…  

A group provides a powerful catalyst for change.

Inner transformation requires effort, a safe space, an experienced guide, and a whole lot of love. When this is done within a group of women who are for each other, lovingly holding each other accountable…anything is possible.

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I’m Vickie Falcone, I was a poised, powerful, and confident woman…until I went on a date.

In fact, I’m a bit embarrassed to tell you what I put myself through after my divorce, as I embarked on my first date--four long years after the paperwork was signed.

We were scheduled to meet for dinner. About 2:00 in the afternoon, my anxiety kicked in as I began to go through my wardrobe.

I put on nine different outfits. Spent 20 minutes with each one, critiquing myself in the mirror and fantasizing how each accessory might influence my date's reaction to me. Are these earrings too big? Is peach too demure? What about my neckline, too much cleavage, not enough?

Then I went through it all again with all manner of hair and makeup possibilities.

By the time I arrived at the restaurant I was exhausted. I felt like I'd already been on fifty dates that day…and I had been rejected on most of them.

Sadly, this exhausting scene played out over and over again…until I made a major shift in how I dated…

I learned how to partner with the Divine.

Once I did this, I approached dating feeling a combination of fearlessness and deep trust. I literally quit caring what these men thought of me. I became wildly detached and I welcomed rejection.

Because I was now leaning on God and not my small, scared ego, I got better and better at showing up as my Authentic Self--on my dates and in my life. Eventually, over time, I mastered expressing my truth, wants and needs; and my whole life transformed.

…because I knew…something WAY bigger Had. My. Back.

In my years of coaching, I have found that even people who are already on a spiritual path struggle with this. I considered myself to be very spiritual. I prayed, meditated and even got my masters degree in spiritual psychology. What I hadn’t done, was put God in the driver’s seat when it came to dating. I would do my spiritual practices in the morning and then, when I logged onto that dating app, I was on my own. My ego took over. Spirit was nowhere in sight.

 Eventually, I learned this truth:

It’s not enough to be your Authentic Self, You’ve got to learn how to Partner with the Divine if you want to experience Peace and find Your True Love.

And I did eventually find true love and not just any love, but a soulmate. A man who gets me, sees me and adores me.

I want this for you.

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One woman's story of transformation...

Rachelle came to me feeling sadness and despair after yet another painful breakup with an unavailable man.
She deeply longed for something she believed existed, but had been unable to find…
She was asking herself, Why is this just not happening for me?
Here’s her story:

What other women are saying...

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Dating on Higher Ground 8-Week Course

Dating on Higher Ground is an 8 week, online course.

During this 8-week course, you will learn the step-by-step process I used to partner with the Divine to call in my Beloved.

You will be held, witnessed, stretched, and supported by both me and the others on your sacred journey.

You will discover your biggest adversary on the path to calling in love, release the blocks that have kept you afraid to fully express yourself, and learn how to feel truly peaceful and detached as you date…plus much more.

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How does Dating on Higher Ground work?

  • The Dating on Higher Ground Online Course is presented by Vickie live via Zoom in 8 in-depth modules with plenty of time for connecting with the other participants and Q&A. 
  • Your enrollment in Dating On Higher Ground Online Course also includes 3 free LIVE group coaching calls  where you’ll be able to ask questions, receive 1:1 coaching from Vickie on your specific issues, and get support and encouragement from the other participants in the course. Coaching groups meet bi-weekly and last for 90 minutes. 
  • It includes supportive handouts that are instrumental in helping you remember and take action on the concepts you are  learning.

 The next Dating On Higher Ground course starts: Tuesday, February 16, 2021

here's what you'll learn:

Week 1: Connect to Your Higher Power

  • Learn a sacred process for connecting with Divine that magnetizes love
  • Discover how to harness the power of your intention to increase the chances that you will succeed
  • Discover what’s more important than visualization and Law of Attraction for calling in BIG LOVE.

Week 2: Allies on Your Path to Love

  • Understand your biggest adversary on the path to calling in love
  • Meet your biggest ally on the path to calling in love
  • How to move from self-abandonment to self-love

Week 3: First Things First: How to Love Yourself More

  • The actions you need to take to genuinely love yourself more
  • How to put an end to destructive negative self-talk
  • How to practice Radical Self-Acceptance

Week 4: Co-creating to Rewrite Your Love Story

  • Discover which childhood relationship most impacts your love life today (it’s probably not what you think)
  • How to heal the childhood patterns that have kept you longing for love
  • Learn practical ways to partner with the Divine to facilitate deep healing

Week 5: Reclaim Your Power

  • The ways we give our power away in relationships and how to stop

  • How to heal from--and let go of--any attachment to past loves

  • A unique way to learn from the mistakes of past relationships so that they never happen again

Week 6: Clearing the Blocks to Authentic Expression

  • Release the hidden blocks that have kept you afraid to fully express yourself

  • The 2 words you need to stop saying now, if you want to be true to yourself

  • How you can show up more authentically in your dating and in life

Week 7: From Codependency to Co-Creation

  • The relationship between a particular kind of codependency and your dating struggles

  • The most powerful question you can ask yourself to heal from codependency and create healthy relationships

  • How to go from feeling desperate or discouraged to cultivating deep TRUST

Week 8: Fearless Dating: Let Go, Let God

  • The two shifts you need to make to feel peaceful and detached as you date

  • How to genuinely “let go and let God”

  • Step into the zone of Fearless Dating

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Dating on Higher Ground: How to Partner with the Divine to Call in Lasting Love 8-Week Online Course

Was $497, now $297

I am so confident that you will love the Dating on Higher Ground 8 - Week Course, that I offer a full guarantee. Any time in first 21 days from the date you enroll, you may request a full refund, and I will promptly return your money in full.
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